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Imagine this, something comes up last minute with family which turns into an unforeseen expense. A week later the money just arrives from a source that was totally unknown a week before, but just manifested itself to you. Just imagine what this can do for you if life just worked and things started to manifest into your life as and when they are needed.


What we are talking about here is the power to manifest positive things into your life. A flow that becomes a part of the way that you live your life. What I am going to be going over here is what you ought to know about the 7 steps to manifesting your goals into your life.

In this day in age is very important to understand how you can best manifest the things that you want into your life. So let’s walk through these stepping steps. First I will list out the seven steps and then we’ll go over them together:

1 Get clarity on what you want
2 Ask for what you want
3 Take massive action
4 Believe in the process
5 Stay open to feedback
6 Keep your energy and vibration high and positive
7 Remove any resistance you feel toward your goals

So let’s go over each of these steps that were outlined above one by one.


Get Clarity On What You Really Want 


It Is vital for you to have a Clear Vision and a clear understanding of the things that you want to manifest into your life. it is all too often the case that the things that we want are clouded by external pressures which ends up not allowing us see beyond our own noses. give yourself space and time to really understand what it is you truly want and then bring that into your vision in a clear manor. 


Ask For What You Want


It is really important for you to ask for what you want. There is an old saying “If you don’t ask, you don’t get” and it is very true. I remember this at work, I would just ask for things, not outrageous things, but just ask. And as most people don’t do this, I often got what I asked for. When manifesting it is important that you put the intention out there with the spoken word. By using your voice and asking for what you want, your voice is putting the vibration out there along with your intention. It is a very powerful mix which sets and seals intention.


Take  Massive Action


Once you go a clear idea what you want and you have put your intention out there and vocalized using your voice. It is important that you start to take action that is conducive towards your goal. If your goal is North of you, walk towards the North and not the South. Action is super important, before every action is a thought and your thoughts should drive you through action towards your goals.

Believe In The Process


Now it’s really important that you believe in the process. There’s always obstacles and things that come up as well as the unforeseen miracles that come catapult you forwards. It is important to believe in the process as the process is the journey that lands you at your goal. The journey will be were all growth happens, so it is super important to trust the process and stay steadfast and unwavering during that journey.


Stay Open To Feedback


It is vitally important that you stay open and receptive to feedback when manifesting your goals and dreams. As you move forward there’s a feedback loop that will give you an indication if you are on the correct path or if you need to make any minor adjustments along the way. Staying attentive and open allows you to see the opportunities as they arrive. If you are too busy to notice them, those opportunities may pass you by.


Keep Your Energy High And Positive


It is important to keep your energy high, to keep your vibration High and that you stay motivated along the way. This is about having good habits like a healthy eating regime, staying active and keeping a good positive mental attitude. If the body, mind and soul is not working in conjunction together, then you won’t be carrying the right vibration to manifest the things that you want into your life. It will be like you have an invisible barrier that just repels the things that you want in life away from you.


Remove Any Resistance You Feel Toward Your Goals


It is important to be mindful and look for any resistance that you see inside of yourself towards reaching your goals. It’s a way that we’ve been trained inside society today. Most people are not naturally attracted towards their goals, they are more inclined to be motivated away from the things that they don’t like in their life. So they end up bouncing away from one bad thing to another, then away from another bad thing so on and so forth. Because of this it may feel slightly unnatural be motivated towards your goals, it’s your job to be mindful of this. Address any resistance within yourself it and make sure that you are congruent fully throughout so that every fiber of your being is working towards the things that you want. 


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© Manifestation Center. 2019